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Crank That Soulja Boy!

So I just came home from an exhausting night out with a friend, Vince. We went to Bar Uno in Timog then went straight to O Bar in Malate. Bar Uno was not even half as crazy as that of O. 

The prior was insanely boring while the latter was packed with people you'd think all the gay people of the metro flocked and forced themselves in that miniscule place they call a bar. You definitely can't move without touching somebody's ass in there nor light a smoke without burning somebody's hand (that I did!). O man that was one hell of a place! To the managers, get a bigger space for crying out loud! LOL. After crawling out of the O, Vince and I did a quick stroll over at the Manila Bay (Roxas Boulevard) where we took a couple of shots:


And by the way, thanks Vince for letting me know that song is about jackin' off. Good job!  LOL. Hope you get well soon!

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